
BlocConsumer with automatically retrieved Bloc

public inline fun <reified BlocA: BlocBase<BlocAState>,BlocAState:Any> 
    noinline buildWhen:BlocBuilderCondition<BlocAState>?=null,
    noinline listenWhen: BlocListenerCondition<BlocAState>?=null,
    crossinline listener: @DisallowComposableCalls suspend (BlocAState) -> Unit,
    crossinline content:@Composable (BlocAState)->Unit)

BlocConsumer exposes a content and listener in order react to new Bloc states. BlocConsumer is equivalent to a combined BlocBuilder and BlocListener

BlocConsumer for externally provided Bloc

public inline fun <reified BlocA: BlocBase<BlocAState>,BlocAState:Any>
    noinline buildWhen:BlocBuilderCondition<BlocAState>?=null,
    noinline listenWhen: BlocListenerCondition<BlocAState>?=null,
    crossinline listener: @DisallowComposableCalls suspend (BlocAState) -> Unit,
    crossinline content:@Composable (BlocAState)->Unit)

This is the same as the previous method but with an explicitly specified Bloc instance externallyProvidedBlock , not retrieved implicitly from current registered blocs in the current composable subtree.

Use this method if for example you have retrieved the Bloc already with rememberProvidedBlocOf

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